Saturday, May 24, 2014

Pregnancy Advice For Those Who Are Expecting

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting, surprising, and for some, scary experiences of a woman's life. Many women are born with innate mothering extincts, however, having a healthy and happy child requires knowledge and research. These tips For Those Who Are Expecting can demystify what goes on when you are pregnant and makes the process a bit easier to handle.

Pregnancy Advice For Those Who Are Expecting

Pregnancy Advice For Those Who Are Expecting

Eat for one! Many people think that because they are pregnant, they can eat as much as they want. This is not true. If you want to be able to get your body back after you give birth, you need to make sure that you only raise your calories by a very little bit (you should consume around 2,000 calories a day, no more!)

To get better sleep while you are pregnant, come up with a routine for bedtime. Creating a consistent bedtime routine will ease your body into relaxing in expectation of bedtime and help sleep come faster. This routine should include sleep-promoting activities such as reading, a hot shower, and shoulder massages.

If you or your loved one are attempting to conceive a child, learn to track her cycles and adhere to them closely. You will be able to find the best time of the month to conceive. Once you are pregnant, the fact that you kept a close schedule of these cycles will allow you to locate the date you would have conceived with near-pinpoint accuracy.

It is important to see a doctor once you have a pregnancy test that is positive. It is recommended that for the first trimester, you see your practitioner once a month. Typically, most women are seen between 8 and 10 weeks gestation. At this time, blood work is done and your urine is checked for protein and sugar.

Many women experience morning sickness, which is at the very least a queasy feeling that can be more extreme in some cases and include nausea and vomiting. Some women try many things and find no relief. However, other find that eating small meals throughout the day help, as does avoiding spicy and high fat foods. Very often relief is found by popping a hard candy in your mouth.

Taking prenatal vitamins is essential. Your body needs extra nutrition before, during and after your pregnancy. If you are planning on becoming pregnant, start taking these vitamins well before. If you are already pregnant, it's not too late to start. You will still get the benefits of it. Keep taking them well beyond giving birth. At least until you stop breast feeding.

Learn the signs of labor so that you will know when it is time to call the doctor and start heading to the hospital. We have all heard the stories of women giving birth in the car on the way. The earlier you can respond to labor starting, the more time you give yourself to get to where you need to go.

Pregnancy is a natural part of life. By reading the experiences of others and gaining knowledge from these tips, you can be more prepared for the ups and downs of the next nine months. The birth of a child is rewarding and the months leading up to that, will be wrought full of strange, wonderful and unexpected situations.